Uncategorized Happy mourning dove family by user|Published May 26, 2015 A pair of mourning doves nested in a redbud in my yard after doing minimal renovations to an old robin nest. These two recently fledged young are staying near the nest to be fed by dad while mom starts her next brood.
Published June 5, 2015 Crepuscular Rays Shortly after dawn this morning the sun had dramatic sun rays also known as crepuscular rays since they tend to form at […]
Published May 16, 2015 Geraniums in dappled sunshine I like the way the deep color of the shaded foreground flower fades to lighter tones in the background where the flowers […]
Published September 27, 2017 Spinning Trees As autumn returns, I am excited to see fall cascading down from the mountaintops to the valleys. Cool nights bring color to […]
Published June 25, 2015 Baboons and elephants in Kenya This is for Throwback Thursday. Many years ago I studied monkeys in Kenya. These baboons and elephants were feeding on the doum […]