Uncategorized Black Rat Snake by user|Published April 15, 2015 This black rat snake is just out of hibernation. I only had my macro lens and wasn’t brave enough to get closer even though it isn’t poisonous. It was already only inches away.
Published October 5, 2014 Autumn Reflections Yesterday I went to a favorite nearby local wild place, Bays Mountain Park. Although fall has barely started, already there was some […]
Published May 20, 2015 Pretty pest This is a Japanese beetle attacking a zinnia flower. It was shot with a Nanoha lens which shoots at 5:1 which is […]
Published July 12, 2016 Farewell Fur Friend Siggy came to me at one and a half, not quite a puppy, but not quite a dog. In a strange way […]
Published April 25, 2015 Rabbit The rabbit seems to wrongly assume if it is bright green and blending in with the grass