After a couple s’mores my interest in the fire in the Smoky Mountains turned to photography. I played with different angles and speeds and thought this one at 1/5 second shot from a tripod was the most interesting. The sharpness of the oak logs and a single leaf suspended in […]
This black-bellied salamander was remarkably tame as it perched on a rock in a cool mountain stream in the Smoky Mountains. This one seems to have a few large scars on its face. The individuals fight over prime real estate, with each having a territory of around 190 square inches. […]
This lion fish appears to be thinking Make My Day. Given their poison venom they can pretty much do whatever they want!
Though not the largest or most dramatic of the Smokies waterfalls this one has the distinction of being the only one in the park you can walk behind. Standing there behind a roaring wall of water I felt like I was looking out through a diaphanous watery veil at the […]
Near my campground in the Smokies a long exposure allowed me to capture a small cascade draped like curtains over the mossy boulders. The green from the trees and moss is reflected in the water.
Violent thunderstorms and torrential rains aren’t generally ideal weather conditions for photography. But the Smokies are known as the salamander capital of the world so I ventured out from my campsite with an umbrella late last night. For the camera, not me
In support of #fishforgary and in recognition of today’s celebration of World Oceans Day this parrotfish seems pleased to join in this party for the watery planet.
To make up for my lack of posts this is the second in a row for the #fishforgary hashtag. As some of you know a close friend has ALS and can no longer hike or fish as he used to love. So adding to the initiative started by @kiwifur this shark is […]