Uncategorized Mantis prayer by user|Published July 16, 2015 The praying mantis is named for its posture of apparent prayer with its forelegs as seen in this photo. I imagine this one may be praying for me to stop taking its picture and leave it alone
Published May 11, 2018 "Dances with the Daffodils" On a visit to the New York Botanical Garden a couple weeks ago, I managed to hit the peak of daffodil bloom. […]
Published June 25, 2015 Baboons and elephants in Kenya This is for Throwback Thursday. Many years ago I studied monkeys in Kenya. These baboons and elephants were feeding on the doum […]
Published April 27, 2015 Escalator This escalator seems to be going to the sky and struck me as surreal when I was riding up into the clouds.
Published May 14, 2015 Chipmunk hula Chipmunks recently emerged from hibernation are doing celebration dances showing appreciation for the warmer weather.