Uncategorized Mossy mountain stream by user|Published June 9, 2015 Near my campground in the Smokies a long exposure allowed me to capture a small cascade draped like curtains over the mossy boulders. The green from the trees and moss is reflected in the water.
Published October 7, 2015 Sunset Eruption After all the recent rain I am more appreciative of sunshine, glad for something other than uniform damp gray. I am not […]
Published July 27, 2015 Honeybee bouquet This honeybee is flying between blooms of an especially profuse flowering trumpet creeper vine. Invasive outside of its range, even here in […]
Published July 15, 2015 False hydrangea When living in the Pacific Northwest, I fell in love with this distant hydrangea relative, Deinanthe caerulea, at a local nursery. It […]
Published January 26, 2016 Snow Magic. Snow was always magical to me when I was a kid. When it snowed at night, my sister, brother and I […]