Uncategorized Azurite specimen from Liu Feng Shan Anhui Province China. by user|Published May 7, 2015 This specimen was focus stacked using a macro rail to maximize the depth of field. To me it has a surreal look like an aerial view of s mountain range with blue lakes and rivers and strange icy peaks.
Published September 23, 2015 Craggy Pinnacle Around 20 miles north of Asheville the Blue Ridge Parkway travels through what is locally known as Craggy Gardens, a Natural Heritage […]
Published June 27, 2015 The rude skipper Okay so this skipper butterfly stuck its tongue out since it had just finished feeding on a nearby flower. But since it […]
Published November 6, 2014 Georgianna Orsini’s Garden Several times in the past few months I have visited the garden of Georgianna Orsini, in Asheville, North Carolina. Although she lives in […]
Published September 16, 2015 Sliding Rock In the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard is nature’s waterslide, as dramatic as any water park. This granite boulder has been eroded […]